Happy Fall – Sunday Morning Coffee

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Happy fall. I am finally embracing fall. I cannot wait for fall decor, fall pillows, fall cookies, fall pumpkins, outdoor fall decor, fall flavors, fall table decor, and more. Are you ready?


Thanks for joining me for Sunday morning coffee. Today I am sharing my weekly thoughts about entertaining, decor, crafts, and recipes, and why I am so excited for fall. Happy fall!

happy fall, fall pillows, fall cookies, fall pumpkins, outdoor fall decor, fall flavors, fall table decor, autumn decor, fall wreaths

Volume 32

A Little Bit About Me

Fall Colors in the Dining Room

I have no idea why I have been so reluctant for fall.

It’s actually silly. It can be warm outside, we can be at the beach, and there is nothing wrong with having some fall decor in your home.

Just because I am saying “Happy fall” doesn’t mean I am giving up on summer.

Instead, I am embracing both.

Don’t forget I live in Southern California. What that means is we will have ninety-degree weather for a few days in September and October. As crazy as it seems, it happens every year. (We also get a few eighty-degree days in February which might explain why I love southern California.)

Waco Home New Fall Decor

So I may be decorating my home with fall colors in a tank top and shorts. But I love it! Happy fall.

So what changed my mind?

I started looking at my fall decor from years past and I remembered why I love fall. The colors are gorgeous.

Then I put together my fall color palette mood board and I fell in love with it.

Fall Color Palette

I guess you could say that my colors are going to be kind of a peachy orange palette.

I love this!

My Happy Fall Favorites


What’s my favorite thing about fall?

The colors. The yummy food. And the fact that Christmas comes next.

When I look back at last year I did so many amazing fall recipes, crafts, decor ideas, and more.

I cannot wait to get started with new ideas for this year.

My Plans for a Happy Fall

I hope this fall is all about DIYs and decor.

I have already added a lot of ideas to my editorial calendar. I have found a few new craft items that I cannot wait to try and I am so excited! I even have a new version of the free-stitch embroidered pillow that is a lot easier!

Decor ideas are going to be a lot simpler. I believe that you can change the entire look and feel of your home for fall with some easy and inexpensive accessories.

I cannot wait to share how to do it!

If you are looking for some ways to add fall to your home, check these out.

Check out this fall foliage for under $15.

Here is some fall foliage under $21.

And look at this fall decor for under $26.

Reflections on the Week

Last week was officially my last week of summer on the blog, but not in real life of course! Don’t forget we live in Southern California!

It was a busy week writing all of these blog posts. Which was your favorite?

Good things From Martha – Martha Sold Her Hamptons House!

My friend Martha Stewart (who doesn’t have any idea who I am) just sold her Hamptons House … after thirty years! Click the link to find out why.

Why did she sell her Hamptons house?

What’s Ahead for The Week

Happy fall!

Next week I have lots of fall fun things planned on the blog. I have a lot of fun decor ideas to share, a recipe, and a new craft project. I cannot wait!

It’s going to be an exciting week at My 100 Year Old Home. Let’s have some fun together.

Catch up on Sunday Morning Coffee

Pin the image below to your home decor boards on Pinterest (just click the Pin button in the top left corner). You can also follow along with me on Pinterest!

Happy Fall - Sunday Morning Coffee

For more real-time updates, follow me on Instagram @My100YearOldHome

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  1. Just a note — for the past many weeks, your images for shopping have not been showing up; they were tiny little boxes instead. Today, I was delighted to see the various foliage and other images. If you have changed something, I hope that you retain it!

  2. Thank you for your blog!!! I love following you and look forward to your next post. I truly enjoy your entire blog. The crafts, decorating, food and entertaining.
    Thank you!!!

  3. Your fall color palette is almost all the exact same colors as what my future daughter-in-law’s wedding colors are for October. It’s a really great soft color palette for fall.

  4. Leslie, I live in Georgia and understand your reluctance to embrace fall this early. I like to at least wait until after Labor Day to put out the fall decor, when there’s at least a chance for a bit of cooler weather. Just can’t get into the fall mood when I’m sweating while going through my storage containers in the garage to find my pumpkins!

    My favorites of your posts from last week were the engagement party posts – all three of them! I’ve set up a folder on my computer for your posts where I saved these, in addition to the earlier ones showing how you made your tabletop for the folding tables (the most ingenious idea!). I do enjoy your blog and your ideas!

  5. For those without sewing machines or who are just too uncoordinated to do the freestyle sewing in your projects- I have found that a very fine tip fabric or permanent marker making small broken lines gives an almost identical look!

  6. I’m ready to embrace fall. I’ve been ready since the beginning of August, though! But – I’m not a huge fan of hot weather like you! <3 I love the color pallet you are going with for your décor this season! The peachy/orange tones are so beautiful!

  7. I absolutely loved this post! The fall vibes and cozy Sunday mornings are just perfect. Your 100-year-old home adds such a beautiful charm to the season. Can’t wait to see more autumn inspiration!

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