How to Make Personalized DIY Christmas Ornaments

I love to make personalized DIY Christmas ornaments. Each one represents something that was important to our family this year.

I made them out of airdry clay and used a letter stamp to “write” on each one.

DIY Christmas Ornaments

This year I decided I wanted to make personalized Christmas ornaments. I thought it would be fun to make a list of words that were special to everyone in our family. Words from the year … such as people’s names, places we have visited, and anything else I could think of that has a special meaning to our family. I started with a list of 35 words but by the time I finished making the ornaments, the list had grown to over 50. It’s a good thing the ornaments were easy to make!

On my shopping trip to the craft store, I found Modeling Material Air-Hardening Clay,  which dries on its own in two days! I bought two packages but ended up only needing one, which made 50 ornaments.


What You Need to Make DIY Christmas Ornaments


On a nonstick surface, roll out the clay to the thickness of sugar cookie dough.  Cut the clay with a cookie ornament.


Using a wooden skewer, make a hole for the hanging string. Add a word on the DIY Christmas ornaments with small rubber alphabet stamps.


Carefully place the cut ornaments on a cookie sheet to dry. Flatten occasionally if necessary.


Let dry for about two days. They will turn white as they dry.


Cut decorative string and loop through the hole for hanging. I cut them 30″ long as I did not hang these on my tree.


Aren’t these DIY Christmas ornaments wonderful? Fingers crossed I didn’t leave out something or someone important!


Originally I thought I would hang the ornaments on a tree. I mean, seriously, what else would I do with handmade ornaments? But then it occurred to me I could perhaps be more creative than that. Check my blog on Monday to see where they ended up!


I also made these glitter ornaments.  Click here for the complete DIY.

I made these clay ornaments too! Click here for the blog post DIY.


For more real-time updates, follow me on Instagram @My100YearOldHome

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  1. Does your mind ever slow down??!! I love all of your ideas and posts! You are so creative. I think we would have been BFF’s for sure if I hadn’t moved away!

  2. I’m thankful I strained my back getting my Christmas trees out to decorate because I’m forced to relax and I found you!!!
    I cannot wait to make these. I love your blog and IG! Thanks from Sunny FL!!!

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