The Best Roses for Mother’s Day

Now is the time to order roses for Mother’s Day. Don’t wait until it’s too late to order these amazing and beautiful roses from Grace Rose Farm.

Every once in a while you visit a place and you pinch yourself because it is so amazing. Grace Rose Farm is that place. I visited Gracie and Ryan last year and truly believe they have the best roses for any occasion, especially Mother’s Day!

Roses and Roses for Mother's Day at Grace Rose Farm

Grace Rose Farm

Lots of Roses for Mother's Day

When you go to the Grace Rose Farm website, you will see the statement, “The Most Beautiful Roses in the World.”

And guess what, it is so true!

Gracie hosted me and my best friend, Mary Liz, one-afternoon last summer and gave us an amazing tour of the farm. I had never seen anything like it as there were roses everywhere!

Roses for Mother's Day

The Grace Rose Farm’s gorgeous heirloom roses are grown, hand-picked, and shipped from their beautiful farm in Santa Ynez, CA. They deliver all of their flower bouquets via overnight shipping so you get the freshest, most beautiful blooms possible in your home.

Their business is a family-run business and everyone that works there is like family. I love the relationship Gracie and Ryan have with their staff as there is so much love and kindness. Everyone is very busy and they work incredibly hard shipping between 25,000 and 30,000 roses a week! Isn’t that incredible?

Grace Rose Farm’s rose bouquets make the perfect gift – either for yourself or someone you love.


Of course, they are perfect for Mother’s day.

In case you are thinking that the name Grace Rose Farm sounds familiar, you might have seen their feature last May in Martha Stewart’s Living Magazine. I was so happy when I saw it and knew it was about Grace Rose Farm before I even read the article!

I have the magazine in my library in my office, and you can read this online article about Grace Rose Farm at Martha Stewart.

Country Living Magazine May 2021


You might have also seen Grace Rose Farm on the cover of Country Living Magazine this month. It’s such a great article. Be sure and pick up a copy this week.

When I was at Grace Rose Farm last summer I took this photo. Isn’t it priceless? I couldn’t have imagined a better view!

Roses for Mother's Day at Grace Rose Farm

Grace Rose Farm has over 5,000 roses planted on their farm. Things are really exciting for Gracie and her husband Ryan as they have just purchased a new farm and they are moving to an even better location. They have more space, a better location, better weather, and better proximity to the airport and shipping. It is so exciting! (And they will be transplanting all of their roses after the harvest.)

I can honestly say that I consider Gracie a friend and she is one of the most successful women I know. She is so knowledgeable, kind, and funny. But here is the thing most people don’t know, Gracie and Ryan work hard every single day. Growing roses is a grind 16 – 20 hours a day, all year long. More than 95% of the roses sold in the USA are from South America. And yet, Grace Rose Farm’s roses are all grown in California, on American soil.

And I love that.

I took this photo of Gracie and her husband Ryan at their farm. This is adorable!

Gracie and Ryan at Grace Rose Farm

I think what impressed me the most is their vast number of roses. They literally go on and on and on and are everywhere. The roses smell heavenly and each one is so carefully grown. It is purely a magical place. It’s kind of like my Disneyland!

Tons of Roses for Mother's Day at Grace Rose Farm

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Why You Need to Order Roses for Mother’s Day Now

Gorgeous Roses for Mother's Day

It is kind of important that you don’t wait to order flowers for Mother’s Day.

It’s also important to let your spouse know that these are the flowers you want for Mother’s Day!

***(To my dear sons and husband … if you are reading this you might want to get some of these gorgeous flowers for your wonderful mom/wife, haha.)

Feel free to forward my blog to anyone that might want to send you Grace Rose Farm roses for Mother’s Day.

Don’t wait too long to order your flowers for Mother’s Day. Order them today and then you don’t have to worry. Grace Rose Farm does have to stop taking orders when they reach their limit so don’t be left out.

I also have a code for a discount and a free product! How awesome is that?

How to Order Your Roses for Mother’s Day

Grace Rose Farm Roses

The first thing you need to do is head to the Grace Rose Farm website. You are going to love all of the items you can order and you might want to visit the Mother’s Day Shop or Bouquets and Cut Roses. Just so you know, the Mother’s Day Shop roses are the only ones that ship for Mother’s Day.

Use the discount code my100yearoldhome. If you order two products you will get a 10% discount and also a free rose candle.

Aren’t their roses packaged beautifully?

I opened my fresh bouquet and every rose is just gorgeous.

My Favorite Mother's Day Roses

This is a Classic Bouquet from Grace Rose Farm. Look at these colors!

My Favorite Roses for Mother's Day

Here is how they look in our home. Wow!

Mother's Day Roses

As they started to open up, I took this photo. Oh my!

Roses on Mother's Day

Frequently Asked Questions

Where is the best place to order roses for Mother’s Day?

Order them from a rose farm! Grace Rose Farm has the most gorgeous roses and they make the perfect Mother’s Day gift.

When should I order roses for Mother’s Day?

You should order your roses for Mother’s Day as soon as possible. Quantities are limited (especially shipping allocations) and you don’t want to have to scramble at the last minute.

Here are my beautiful roses in our backyard.

Mother's Day Roses

I took this photo at the farm. The roses are just magical.

Peach Roses for Mother's Day

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Best Roses for Mother's Day

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  1. Oh my!! These roses are heavenly! I want to order some right away! I have a question, though. Every time I get roses, they wilt in the vase without opening up. What am I doing wrong? Admittedly, I have the opposite of a green thumb, but, I cut the stems at an angle, get rid of the leaves below the water level, put the packet of white stuff in the water….not too hot or too cold… I would cry if I wrecked these beautiful roses! What do I need to do to keep them beautiful for as long as possible?

    Thank you for always providing such interesting and magnificent blog posts! I look forward to reading them every day!

    1. Delanie, these roses are really special so I understand your concern. There are instructions that come with the roses, so follow those, they know their roses best. Do be aware, these roses have a gazillion thorns (and come with a warning about them) so there is not a lot to do to the stems. They smell heavenly and are gorgeous. Gracie also haas a post on her blog about drying the rose petals, so you might check that out also! Enjoy!

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