How to Decorate a Winter White Farmhouse Kitchen

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Our kitchen looked so bare when I took down the holiday decor. So I grabbed some wreaths and decorated my winter white farmhouse kitchen.

I also decided to tackle a project that I have been thinking about for about … ten years! Can you guess what it is? Look closely at this photo and you just might guess.

a white kitcehn with windows and an island with a bowl with apples, a cutting board and wreaths in the windows.
white house with black shutters and green lawn
Make it Pretty

A Cozy Winter White Farmhouse Kitchen

a white kitcehn with windows and an island with a bowl with apples, a cutting board and wreaths in the windows.

The perfect antidote to wintery cold is to create a cozy feeling inside your home. While the definition of cozy may be different for each of us, it is a feeling that we all know, in our bones.

Cozy can mean so many different things, curled up in front of a fire, a big bowl of chowder with freshly baked bread, or reading a book under a pile of quilts. For me, cozy means comfort and there is no better place to create a cozy feel than in the kitchen.

a white kitcehn with windows and an island with a bowl with apples, a cutting board and wreaths in the windows.

During the holidays, our kitchen is festooned with holiday wreaths and ribbons and is bustling for the entire month of December. When the calendar rolls over to the New Year, the kitchen seems a little bare and lonely, and definitely needs a big fat dose of cozy.

a white kitcehn with windows and an island with a bowl with apples, a cutting board and wreaths in the windows.

Having a white farmhouse kitchen affords me the opportunity to add and subtract color with each new season to create a whole new feel in the kitchen. This year, it has been unbelievably cold and rainy here in Southern California. The winter color palette that I choose, taupe and sage green, has warmed up the kitchen perfectly!

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Variations of Green

a white kitchen with windows and an island with a bowl with apples, a cutting board and wreaths in the windows.

Using variations of the color green helps to create dimension and warmth. I counted eleven different colors of green in the photo above and I may have missed a few.

While the boxwood wreaths are a darker green, they echo the greenery seen through the windows and are tempered with the warmer tones that the scale, bowls, and a few Christmas balls add.

a white kitchen with windows and an island with a bowl with apples, a cutting board and wreaths in the windows.

The All White Wall Spick Rack

Have you noticed my all-white wall spice rack?

It’s similar to the green one I used to own but I made this one! The DIY is in my book, A Home to Share, and you can also find the links to where you can find these awesome tins.

This is an easy project and just the best wall spice rack!

a white kitchen with windows and an island with a bowl with apples, a cutting board and wreaths in the windows.

Cozy Winter Decor

a white kitchen with windows and an island with a bowl with apples, a cutting board and wreaths in the windows.

I bought new rugs for the kitchen a few years ago. I absolutely love them and I love the subtle addition of color that they add and they definitely have cozied up the kitchen.

The kitchen now feels cozy and serene. I love to sit at the kitchen island in the morning with a cup of coffee, planning my day.

Adding decor doesn’t mean buying all new things, I always say to shop your home first. I also love to use items for their unintended purpose, like a cake stand with a bowl on top of it, instead of a cake!

a white kitchen with windows and an island with a bowl with apples, a cutting board and wreaths in the windows.

Are you wondering about the kitchen project I finally tackled? Be sure to check tomorrow’s post where I will share all of the details! Here’s a hint, it’s in the kitchen.

I hope that you have been inspired to bring something new into your winter kitchen by adding some color. Adding a few items, either ones you already have or new ones can help you create a cozy winter kitchen too!

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    I joined four of my friends and we all have winter decor ideas to share with you!

    5 Winter Decorating Ideas You Will Love

    1. DIY Concrete Candle Holder || Tatertots & Jello
    2. 10 Tips For Winter Decorations After Christmas || My Sweet Savannah
    3. DIY Oversized Branch || Craftberry Bush
    4. How To Decorate A Winter White Farmhouse Kitchen || My 100 Year Old Home
    5. Winter Decor with Fruit: Free Printable Vintage Fruit Art // The Happy Housie

    Watch My Amazon Live

    living room with fire lit , white couch and white coffee table

    Click here to watch any of my Amazon Live shows. All shows are recorded.

    I want to share this new show with you, titled Cozy Winter Decor Ideas.

    Click here to watch the show.

    Pin the image below to your boards on Pinterest (just click the Pin button in the top left corner). You can also follow along with me on Pinterest!

    a white kitchen with windows and an island with a bowl with apples, a cutting board and wreaths in the windows.

    For more real-time updates, follow me on Instagram @My100YearOldHome

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    1. Hi! Are your kitchen cabinets white or cream? If they are painted, will you share the color please? Thank you!

      1. Oh I see the link now in the post above! Swiss Coffee seems like a creamy white. I have a cream colored kitchen table and am wondering if I should go with a creamy white for my cabinets or go with a brighter white. May I ask your opinion on this?

    2. Hello. Love your spice rack and purchased your lovely bool for imstructions. The book calls for 4oz tons and the amazon link is for 6 oz tins. Cam you send me the link for the ones you ised as they come in many different heights and widths. Thank you

    3. Leslie,

      Where did you get that square chippy container that your rolling pins are in? I love it!
      I also love the green on your walls. The sage green online appears to look very different than your walls.

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