Collecting Cranberry Glass


A number of years ago, my mother-in-law gave me some of her mother’s cranberry glass collection. It’s now one of my favorite things to collect.

I had found a few pieces at the flea market and when my mother-in-law gave me some of her family heirloom cranberry glass, a collection was born. Anytime I go to an antique flea market or vintage store, I look for it. It’s fun to have something specific to hunt for and cranberry glass is easy to spot!

cranberry glass collection

I have loved colored glass for a very long time. And it all started with just a single goblet.

If you aren’t familiar with cranberry glass, you will know it when you see it. The color is amazing and unforgettable.


The color is the most spectacular deep pink. While I started my collection with just a few pieces and then had some gifted to me, I have found additional pieces over the years. And guess what?

Place Cards DIY

I have been focused on collecting drinking and wine glasses and I now have collected enough glasses to set a table!

But here’s the problem. This is the only thing I collect that I am afraid to use.


Some of the glasses have a few small chips on the top rim and I haven’t used them yet. About a year ago one of the cranberry goblets broke the very first (and only) time I used it.

So now, I am nervous to use them.


I have decided that I need to bite the bullet and just use the beautiful glassware. It’s just too pretty to collect dust in a cabinet. Setting a table with cranberry goblets always looks so amazing! 

I also might hunt for a few more glasses at the flea markets just so I can have a few replacement goblets if I need them.

What is Cranberry Glass?

cranberry glasses

Cranberry glass or Gold Ruby glass is a pinkish-red glass made by adding gold salts or colloidal gold to molten glass. Tin, in the form of stannous chloride, is sometimes added in tiny amounts as a reducing agent. 

There is no doubt the most distinguishing feature of any piece of cranberry glass is its color. By adding gold chloride to hot molten glass, glassmakers created different shades, varying from pink to burgundy. The pieces often have a deeper hue by the neck of the vase or near the edge of the bowl, indicating where the glass was blown from.

How Much Do Cranberry Goblets Cost?

A lot of cranberry glass, such as pitchers and vases, is expensive. As in over $100 per piece.

Most of the glassware (drinking and wine) is less expensive. I just checked on ebay and the thumbprint glasses (which can be seen above) range from $10 to $15 each. 

Etsy has by the far the best selection of cranberry goblets. Some of the glasses are $5.00 each and they have excellent inventory.

And I have a confession. When I was looking at the Etsy site for this blog post, I found more of the glasses I own! So I bought some. And, well, I also bought a new set of the coolest new cranberry goblets ever. I can’t wait to share them with you.

And by the way, I promise I didn’t buy them all.

Where Can you Find Cranberry Glass?

Cranberry Glasses

I love to shop flea markets and there is no doubt that you can find cranberry glass at local vintage flea markets. Some of the best deals on cranberry glass are at garage sales and antique shops.

As I mentioned, you can find cranberry glass online on eBay and on Etsy

Just be sure and check to see if there are any chips. It’s important to know what you are buying. Of course, also check the shipping costs.

Most of the glasses for sale are vintage cranberry. But there are a few newer glasses. It’s not too hard to tell the difference, and most sellers state if it is new or old. 

 I don’t suggest that you get too caught up in patterns and age and color. Just buy what you love.

You can’t lose if you always buy what you love.

 For more real-time updates, follow me on Instagram @My100YearOldHome

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    1. I have a new set of chine because we lost the wedding China in the Northridge earthquake thirty years ago. I never used them except for thanksgiving, because I didn’t want them broken. I guess God mad a point. Right after that I bought a new set, which I use a lot, because I never really enjoyed my first set because I was afraid it would break. My new theory, us it. You got it because it was pretty.
      If a piece breaks. Try to find a new piece. If not you will have memories.

    1. I have 3 beautiful pieces That are at least 80 years old and you can’t find any of them on the Internet. Do you know anybody that would be interested in these 3 pieces. 2 They are vases one is something in a pulpit sold for over $300.00 at an antique store in the States. about 12 ” high And heavy.

  1. I too Love Cranberry Glass and I’d like to purchase more pieces. It is so unique and so lovely.
    I always enjoy your posts and the ways you decorate your home and dining tables.

  2. I have cranberry glasses, punch bowl with cups, bowls, butter dish, sugar and creamer set, etched vase all from my mother and grandmother. But my prized cranberry etched glass lamps I truly treasure and have never seen another pair like them. They are modern but classic and were my grandmothers. They have no makers mark that I can find. Would love to know more about them.

  3. I learned that these are all hand wash – no dishwasher!!! I put a fluffy towel in my kitchen sink and use Dawn soap. Gently wash with warm water. and rinse ..

  4. Hi! Great post! I have a set that I’m trying to research, the tall-stemmed 8 goblets in your photos. Do you have any info on the maker of those? Or year, style, keywords…? Thanks! 🙂

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