Summer is Almost Here – Sunday Morning Coffee
Summer dinners on the patio, fruity cocktails, popsicles, homemade ice cream, and grilling on the barbecue. Summer is almost here and I love it.

Volume 19
Thanks for joining me for Sunday morning coffee. Today I am sharing my weekly thoughts about entertaining, decor, crafts, and recipes, and that it is time to get ready for Summer!
A Little Bit About Me

Summer is Here!

Memorial Day weekend is right around the corner.
And that means summer is right around the corner. Right? I don’t know when summer officially starts but Memorial Day weekend has always been the sign that summer is here for me.
For years I have said that summer is my favorite season. It all began with the last day of school. That was my favorite day every year and what came next? Summer vacation!
Even as a young kid, I spent my summer vacations crafting and cooking and creating.
I guess some things never change!
Is Summer My Favorite Season?

That’s a hard question to answer. Why? Because I love all of the seasons. (Don’t laugh that I call them “seasons” here in Southern California.)
Spring has been amazing with so many projects (like the Carriage House below) and enjoying the pink decor all over my home. I have loved it so much and the crafting projects have been amazing.

Fall is great and I love copper so much that it excites me to think what the potential is for decor and projects come September.

The holidays are incredible and this year it looks like we might have tons of family here! I am beyond excited and I cannot wait to decorate and come up with some wonderful crafting ideas!

To be honest, I still love summer the most. I just can’t forget that feeling on the last day of school. It all started with the sound of the bell when school was over. I would hop on my bike, with a much lighter backpack, and ride as fast as I could as the wind blew in my face.
No more school and months of summer fun.
When my boys had their last days of school, I always use to blast the song “School’s Out For Summer” when they walked in the door. I am pretty sure they thought their mom was a bit silly.
So school is out for summer.
And since last year was just so different, it feels like this summer will be fun and we will spend a lot of time with family and friends.
I cannot wait.
I think I will start right here.

Around Our Home in Summer
I have about fifteen projects happening around here right how. I want our house to be more “done” which is actually a hysterical wish because I know our home will never be done.
But there are some things that I stare at every day and I can’t believe I haven’t fixed them.

Like our slipcover in the family room that shrunk so badly that if I take it off to wash, it will never go back on. I ordered a new one so we are currently without a sectional in our family room as it is at the upholsterer. ( I lightened this photo which does a nice job hiding the stains and dirt.)
Or our family room rug that was white and grey when I got it three years ago but it’s now all grey. I have a new rug on order.
There are stained glass windows hiding behind my raised flower beds that I bought at a flea market because they were a steal. That was four years ago and it’s time I found a use for them. That project is still pending.

I couldn’t find my pink pine cone wreath until I saw in one of my photos that it used to be hanging above our stove. Apparently, it is now hiding behind our stove as it must have fallen one day (when I was not in the kitchen). Hopefully, one of my sons with long arms can reach behind the stove and get it. My arms are not long enough. I tried.
I could go on and on but I think you get the point. My house is NOT perfect and there are lots of projects that need work. The list is endless.
I am checking the items off the list one at a time
The Infamous Flower Stand
So many of you emailed, DM’d, and texted me wanting to know about this flower stand. This is a vintage metal flower stand and it is made of heavy metal, perhaps wrought iron.

I did find some similar flower stands and linked them in my blog post A New Space for Flower Design. I think they look amazing. (They are also shown below.)
If you want to see the BEFORE photos of the Carriage House, go to the The Carriage House Reveal.
Reflections on the Week
I did get so much done this week. And for once, I was about a day ahead of schedule on my blog posts. Since I blog seven times a day (I know I am crazy) I have to work ahead or else I will be writing way to late at night. This last week was a good week!
I made a wooden cake stand that you all loved and thank you so much for all of your comments. So many of you ordered the supplies to make them which makes me so happy! I shared our back porch which is perfect for dining and the milk paint dresser that I refinished.
You were all so kind about the paper peonies I made. The colors really are so much fun! Finally, I shared my love for vintage decor and some amazing recipes for a BBQ dinner. If you haven’t heard of compound butter, you definitely need to check out my recipes.
My Favorite Things
In the Office and Bedroom

When it comes to paper flowers, the queen is a gal named Lia Griffith. Not only is she talented, but she has the most amazing collection of paper flower patterns and tutorials.
Be sure and check her out here.

My friend Courtney at French Country Cottage publishes The Weekend View every Saturday. She featured her peonies in this week’s blog and I loved it.
Be sure to check out Courtney’s blog.
Blogs I Love to Follow

Things I Love Under $30
Here are some of my Favorites that are all a bargain!
Good Things From Martha

Martha shared Twenty-two Sensational Strawberry Desserts. If you are looking for a wonderful Memorial Day weekend dessert, then be sure and check out these desserts!
One Healthy Tip
Nine Delicious Recipes That Feature Anti-Inflammatory Foods

Anti-inflammatory foods can be very helpful. They can preventbloat, pain and fatique.
Most of us don’t realize that anti-inflammatory foods can not only fight bloating, but even brain fog!
Martha Stewart shared nine recipes that feature anti-inflammatory foods on her blog.
Do you know the food that is most widely associated with anti-inflammatory properties is turmeric?
What’s Ahead
Things are really busy right now and we have another great week planned. I am sharing a summer refresh of my kitchen, how to arrange grocery store flowers, a delicious recipe, my favorite thirty-minute quick and easy dinner, a paint project, and more!
I think next week is going to be very fun at My 100 Year Old Home.

Catch up on Sunday Morning Coffee
- Sunday Morning Coffee Volume 18 – The Carriage House is Done
- Sunday Morning Coffee Volume 17 – Sharing Joy and Thankfulness
- Sunday Morning Coffee Volume 16 – Summer Entertaining
- Sunday Morning Coffee Volume 15 – Projects at Home
- Sunday Morning Coffee Volume 14 – How to Get Ready for Summer Days
- Sunday Morning Coffee Volume 13 – The Best DIY Projects
- Sunday Morning Coffee Volume 12 – Just Do It Yourself
- Sunday Morning Coffee Volume 11 – Creative Inspiration
- Sunday Morning Coffee Volume 10 – Inside the Life of a Blogger
- Sunday Morning Coffee Volume 9 – Live Your Best Life
- Sunday Morning Coffee Volume 8 – Living Green
- Sunday Morning Coffee Volume 7 – Why I Love to Entertain
- Sunday Morning Coffee Volume 6 – February is All About Living Beautifully
- Sunday Morning Coffee Volume 5 – Our Beach House in Ventura, CA
- Sunday Morning Coffee Volume 4 – The Story of My 100 Year Old Home
- Sunday Morning Coffee Volume 3 – I Think I Might Be Martha’s Biggest Fan
- Sunday Morning Coffee Volume 2 – A Tribute to My Mom
- Sunday Morning Coffee Volume 1 – How Chip and Joanna Influenced My Life
Links to the Items Shown in This Post
Pin the image below to your decor boards on Pinterest (just click the Pin button in the top left corner). You can also follow along with me on Pinterest!

For more real-time updates, follow me on Instagram @My100YearOldHome
Another wonderful Sunday full of inspiration – ok and maybe a teeny bit of pool-envy too! I’m glad to know I’m not alone in tackling those home projects that never seem to get done, and I hope you get my favorite wreath out in one piece!
Happy Sunday to you and here’s to a happy next week!
Thank you, Barbara! I hope your week is off to a great start!
Your pool looks so inviting! I swim year ’round at an aquatic center nearby – can’t imagine having a pool in my back yard! Full blown pool envy!!
I enjoyed your “confession” about things like the stained glass windows behind the flowers, but I really got tickled about your missing wreath! You might could rescue it with a yard-stick.
I sit here reading and making mental notes of things that you make me think about that I could be doing if I wasn’t sitting here reading….Hope your summer is everything you want it to be and more.
Oh my goodness, you are so sweet! I hope you are getting some great ideas for you to try this summer! Thank you, Debbie!