My First Book Signing Tour Events

So far, I have confirmed five locations for book signings and I am so excited! I can’t wait to travel and meet many of you.

Check out the locations below to see if we will be in a city near you. I hope you can come to a book signing event because I am so excited to meet you all and share my book with you in person!

A Home to Share Book Signings.

My new book, A Home to Share, is available for Pre-order now! Click here for more details!

Location, Location, Location

A Home to Share Book Signings

There are four book signing events locked in on my calendar, plus the Book Launch event at our home on book release day, September 27!

Be sure and register if you are nearby to any of these locations because you are not going to want to miss this! When you register you can indicate if you want to purchase a book or if you already have one for me to sign. The link is below to register for the events.

I would love to meet you and celebrate this book with you. Plus, there will be prizes given away at every book signing!

Book Signing Locations and Events

A Home to Share

Click on any of the cities below to register and learn more about the Book Signing Event.

South Pasadena, California – September 27th at the home of Leslie Saeta

Camarillo, California – September 30th at Stuff with Stories Vintage Market

McKinney (Dallas), Texas – October 12th at the home of KariAnne Wood, Thistlewood, McKinney (Dallas), Tx.

Austin, Texas – October 13th at the Arhaus Showroom, Austin, Tx.

Atlanta, Georgia – November 9th at the Arhaus Phipps Showroom, Atlanta, Ga.

We will be adding to the book signing locations, so keep checking to see if we have added a city near you.

On this blog, I may sometimes use affiliate links, which means a small commission is earned if you make a purchase via the link. The price you pay will be the same whether you use the affiliate link or go directly to the vendor’s website using a non-affiliate link.

One of my favorite things that makes me love what I do so, is the feedback that I get from all of you, whether on the blog, Instagram, or Facebook. The fact that you all take time out of your day to read and look at the content that I create, but also comment, like, and interact, truly means the world to me. I hope that I get to put some faces with some names and finally meet you at one of my book signing events!

A Home to Share book
A Home to Share

We will be sharing our travels and stops along the way, so stay tuned to my Instagram stories. I can’t wait to hear your thoughts on the book and what your favorite parts are. I am also excited to share some of my favorites with you as well. And, I might even share some of the behind-the-scenes stories too!

If you are enjoying my blog, you can sign up to receive my blog updates here.


    Watch My Amazon Live

    Click here to watch any of my Amazon Live shows. All shows are recorded.

    I just shared an Amazon Live titled Fall Home Decor Ideas for Every Room.

    Click here to watch the show.

    Pin the image below to your boards on Pinterest (just click the Pin button in the top left corner). You can also follow along with me on Pinterest!

    My First Book Signing Tour Events

    For more real-time updates, follow me on Instagram @My100YearOldHome

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    1. I’m looking forward to receiving my copy of A Home to Share. I ordered through Amazon. I look forward to hearing about your signing dates and all the excitement that comes from writing a book.

    2. Leslie-
      Any possibility of a book signing closer to San Diego?

      I’d love to see you again ( It’s been 5 years, can you believe it?) and pick up a copy of your book!


    3. What an exciting week! That food plan makes this culinary teacher’s heart happy! So wish I was joining you for the book launch. I know it will be fabulous. Hoping I can join you for the signing in Atlanta. I’ll be the one clasping my early ordered book tightly!

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