My Favorite Pink Dinnerware in the Kitchen

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It’s Day Two of the Spring Refresh with my friend KariAnne at Thistlewood Farms. Today I refreshed the Kitchen with my favorite Pink Dinnerware. I love that these plates are also bowls. How cool is that?

Pink Dinnerware Plates and Bowls

Plates and bowls? Oh yes, they are! I can use these pink dinnerware plates to serve any type of food, but I especially love them for salads, soups, pasta, and risotto.

How to Refresh your Kitchen With My Favorite Pink Dinnerware

There is something about the color of this pink dinnerware that I love. It’s not a super bright pink, rather it is more of a blush. It goes so well with copper and I think that’s why I love it so much.

Pink Dinnerware

I love setting a casual dinner at the kitchen island. Some nights it works so well to just have the boys hang in the kitchen while I am cooking and getting dinner ready. We have a lot of fun in the kitchen so I often set the “table” on our island. I think that is why I love our island so much because it lends to the family hanging out with me and lots of fun conversations.

Tonight we are using my new pink dinnerware.

Pink Dinnerware in the Kitchen

How to Use These Plates/Bowls

Pink Dinnerware at the Kitchen Island

Tonight I am making dinner and I cannot wait to use my new pink plates. Or bowls. It feel like there should be a name for these such as “plowls”. No that doesn’t work. Maybe “blates”. I think not.

Ok, I will just call them my pink/blush plates that are also bowls.

Thistlewood Farms

One of my favorite people in the world, Karianne at Thistlewood Farms, styled her kitchen too. Her awesome new find can be seen in her blog post titled Look What I Found for the Kitchen. Be sure and hop over to her blog to see what she has done.

The Dinner Menu

To christen my new plates, I am serving a wonderful and healthy Caesar salad. I am adding grilled chicken to make it a heartier meal and I think I am going to try to make croutons in the air fryer. The menu is so perfect for these fabulous pink plates!

Yield: 6 servings

Healthy Caesar Salad

Healthy Caesar Salad
Prep Time 15 minutes
Total Time 15 minutes


  • Caesar Dressing
  • 1/2 - 1 tsp anchovy paste (based on taste)
  • 1 garlic clove, chopped

  • 1/2 tsp salt

  • 1/2 tsp pepper
  • 2 TBL fresh lemon juice

  • 1/2 tsp Dijon mustard

  • 1 tsp Worcestershire sauce
  • 1 1/2 cups of Sir Kensington's Classic Vegan Mayonnaise
  • 4 TBL grated vegan parmesan cheese (such as Follow Your Heart Cheese Alternative, dairy free, shredded parmesan)
  • 2 heads of romaine lettuce, torn or cut into small pieces


    1. To make the dressing, either by hand or with an electric mixer, whisk together the anchovy paste, garlic, salt, pepper, lemon juice, mustard, and Worcestershire sauce.
    2. Add the mayonnaise and parmesan cheese.
    3. Chill until ready to use.
    4. Pour over lettuce, add additional parmesan cheese if desired.

Did you notice that these plates are slightly imperfect in shape? I love that!

Pink Dinnerware for Pasta

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    I also did a bit of refresh in the kitchen and added these amazing hydrangeas. And yes, they are faux.

    Pink in the Kitchen

    I am also serving deviled eggs too! You might want to try my recipe for the Best Deviled Eggs ever!

    Pink Dinnerware and Copper

    I love our kitchen rugs so much! They are very popular and hard to find but there are a few in stock now.

    This Week’s Spring Refresh

    Here is a quick review of Karianne’s and my rooms for our Spring Refresh. I loved the Living Room refresh and look at these kitchen photos!

    Frequently Asked Questions

    What is a ceramic plate?

    Plates are commonly made from ceramic materials such as bone china, porcelain, glazed earthenware, and stoneware, as well as other traditional materials like glass, wood, or metal.

    Are ceramic plates healthy to eat on?

    Ceramic is prepared by burning clay at a high temperature and there are no chemical used. So it is a healthy option to eat on.

    Pink Dinnerware on the Island

    Links to the Items Shown in This Post

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    Spring Refresh with Pink Plates

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    1. I love your pink plate/bowls! Especially their imperfect shape. I thought they might be from World Market because I just bought a similar bowl there but not as cool. I serve do many meals in them now! All salads and soups for sure. They are also good for serving smaller portions than a full dinner plate. I can see why you love them!!!

    2. So pretty! I recently purchased Franciscan flowered salad plates on eBay in memory of an older friend who loved her set in the 60’s. These pink bowls would be perfect under them. I have to ask where you found the hydrangeas too, also perfect.

      1. The combination of the pink bowls and your salad plates sounds wonderful Jillian! How nice that you were able to find the plates in the memory of your friend. I bought the hydrangeas years ago, but found these on Amazon that I am planning to order to add to them

    3. Hi Leslie, have to say miss your big party prep, it was fascinating watching your organizational stills and cooking skills so precisely at work. Love your hydrangea arrangement by the window, where did you get the beautiful vase? I always look forward to your gatherings and love the carriage house redo. Came out wonderful!

      1. I miss the big party prep also Tina but have been having fun creating smaller gatherings. I am so in love with how the Carriage House turned out and still have some more ideas hatching for that space! Here is a link to the vase holding the hydrangeas, I just love it!

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