Five Easy Steps to Adding Hanging Planters in Your Yard
Today, I am sharing five easy steps to add or redo hanging planters in your yard. I love mine so much!
Hanging planters look lovely in a yard. My hanging planters have been looking awful all winter long. So today, I will share five easy steps to add or redo hanging flower baskets in your yard. Adding hanging planters is a great way to add color to your yard. Follow these five easy steps, and you’ll be on your way to enjoying beautiful blooms in no time.

Why I Needed New Hanging Pots
First, let me share how badly my planters looked. As you can see, I was not exaggerating.
This basket had only dirt in it. Nothing else. Oh, my!

This one looked almost as bad. At least it had a few (barely) live flowers in it. In case you are wondering, I discovered the sprinklers weren’t working in the hanging planters. So, it was not my total neglect. Instead, I hadn’t noticed they were dried out!

Five Easy Steps to Adding Hanging Planters
Here is what you need to make hanging planters in your garden.

#1 Purchase the items you need for your planters.
- hanging planter and poles for hanging pots
- Potting Soil
- Sheet Moss (mat sheets are recommended)
- Basket Liners
- Assorted Plants
I added a few options for hanging planters that you can order online. They are very reasonably priced. Just click the photo for the link.
#2 Prepare the planter and line it with sheet moss.
For me, preparing the planter meant dumping out the dead plants.

#3 – Line the planter with sheet moss.
This would have been a lot easier had I purchased sheet moss in a mat form. I highly recommend you do that. But somehow, I managed to get it to stay in place.

#4 Place the basket liner in the basket with the sheet moss.
Whether or not you are using moss, add a basket liner. This will hold the soil in the pot. You really need the liner, I promise.

#5 Plant three or four plants in the basket.
Here you can see I forgot to buy the peat moss and didn’t use it.

While planting, be sure to fill with planting soil and pack in firmly.
Water thoroughly to help the plants adjust to their new surroundings.

You only need to hang the pots and water them every few days. I fixed the drip system in my pots to keep these hanging planters looking great!

I now have four beautiful hanging planters again that line our walkway to the pool and sand volleyball court.

All of My Gardening Favorites!

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I just did this last night!! Love hanging baskets in the garden!!
Do these need to be hand watered or do you have them hooked up to drip lines?
I love the baskets and noticed your drip system in the basket. Would love a post showing how you installed it and how it works. I have a patio on the back of my lot where I entertain and would love to know how you installed the drip system
When are you coming to Dallas for your book tour? I can’t wait to see you! Will you be giving a demo, speech, or ?????
Thanks for sharing all of your marvelous moments. I especially love your crafts. I made your crab cakes the other day and they were delish!!xo
Stay tuned! Glad you enjoyed the crab cakes!
Would you please or get rid of all the sexual pictures from your blog. They are so horrible and disgusting to say the least. And they really distract from your beautiful posts that you send us every day. The porn is really nasty.
There are no pictures you are referring to on my blog. You might be referring to ads but those are based on your computer, not mine.
I may have hit the wrong button. I went back thru the post and did not see any either. Please forgive me and I am so sorry that you got that message. I know that is not in your nature to allow anything like that to happen. Again forgive me and so sorry that happened
Have you been hacked? I am not sure how you can get rid of this on your computer but I think if you clear your browsing history it might help. I am not sure.
Like Jean above, I too would appreciate a post on drip line watering systems.
Your planters are lovely, but the thing I was fixated on most is the tray you use for your planting medium! Why did I never think of something like that instead of hauling a huge bag around and making a total mess!?! THANK YOU for yet another useful bit of info and lots of inspiration!
Are those begonias at the beginning of your post? We just bought some beautiful ones. I hope we can get them to grow. Do they like sun or shade?