FINDS OF THE WEEK // The Fiddle Leaf Search


I love plants. Especially real ones. So this week I have been on the search for a fiddle leaf fig plant. The big question is “Real or faux?” I know a real one is by far the best, but sometimes a girl has got to be practical and sneak in a faux one every once in a while.Screen Shot 2017-07-05 at 10.51.14 PM.png

Hence, my search for the real vs. faux fiddle leaf plant.

I do not know why or how the fiddle leaf plant became so popular. But I have to admit, I really like them and have spent a lot of time shopping for them. I have been looking at the real ones at Home Depot and considered purchasing one of their really tall ones. My concern is my green thumb is only working in my vegetable garden this summer and I don’t want to kill yet another potted plant.

Here are my finds for great faux fiddle leaf plants!


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For a real Fiddle Leaf, you will have your best luck visiting Home Depot or Loews or your local nursery to find your plant. There are some plants you can buy online. You can shop them below (they all come from Amazon)

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Have a great fiddle leaf fig plant find? Tell me in the comments!

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