Our Backyard Putting Green

One of the last steps in the beach house remodel was installing a backyard putting green for our family, which includes several serious golfers.

And maybe the not-so-serious golfers like me! Our backyard is tiny, and we rarely used it in the nine years we owned this house before the remodel. So we decided to take advantage of the soothing sound of ocean waves in the background and add a small backyard putting green with options for chipping.

The finished backyard putting green at our beach house.
The Beach House
Michael and Dave chipping on our Backyard Putting Green

Creating a backyard putting green is a golfer’s dream come true. It allows you to practice your putting skills and enjoy the game you love without leaving the comfort of your beachside retreat.

I thought it might be fun if I shared the steps of installing a backyard putting green that will turn a small space at your home into a golfer’s paradise.

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Step 1: Planning and Designing Your Putting Green

Michael chipping on our Backyard Putting Green
Planning the Backyard Putting Green

Before you break ground, take the time to plan and design your putting green carefully. Assess the available space in your backyard and choose the ideal location for your green. Consider factors such as sunlight exposure, drainage, and the overall layout.

Do you want a compact putting green or a larger, more elaborate design? Find inspiration online and gather ideas for the shape and design that appeal to you.

When making decisions about the size and complexity of your green, keep in mind your skill level, available resources, and the size of your backyard.

Step 2: Preparing the Ground

Building a Backyard Putting Green - Designing the Course
Outlining the putting green

Once you’ve settled on the design of your putting green, it’s time to prepare the ground. Begin by clearing the designated area of any debris, rocks, or vegetation. You want a clean canvas to work with. Next, ensure the ground is level and free of bumps or uneven surfaces.

A smooth, even surface is crucial for a proper putting experience. Consider using a compactor or roller to compact the soil and create a solid foundation. If necessary, address any drainage issues by incorporating slopes or installing a drainage system to prevent water buildup on your green.

Building a Backyard Putting Green - Cutting the Holes
Placing and cutting the holes

My husband spent hours and hours in our backyard determining the location of the holes, the slope, and a lot more. One day, I saw him rolling balls along the dirt surface. I am not sure exactly what he was doing, but I think it had to do with making the holes a little harder to play.

Step 3: Installing the Putting Green Surface

Building a Backyard Putting Green - Ready for the Turf
Installing the base before the turf

Now comes the exciting part: installing the putting green surface. Depending on your preferences and maintenance requirements, there are a few options to consider.

Natural grass, synthetic turf, and modular putting green systems are all viable choices. If you opt for natural grass, prepare the soil by removing any remaining debris and leveling it properly. Choose the appropriate grass type for your climate and install it either by seeding or laying sod. If you choose synthetic turf, ensure precise measurements and cut the turf to fit your desired shape. Secure it to the ground using landscape staples or adhesive as the manufacturer recommends. Modular putting green systems offer a convenient alternative, allowing you to easily assemble pre-made pieces to create your desired layout.

Building a Backyard Putting Green - Adding the Turf
Adding the Turf

We used turf because it was very low maintenance and needed no watering.

Step 4: Adding Putting Green Features

Building a Backyard Putting Green - Thee finished Turf

Consider adding additional features that mimic an actual golf course to make your putting green truly unique. Sand traps, bunkers, and undulations can all be incorporated into your design, providing a more challenging and realistic experience. You may also want to consider creating synthetic turf fringe or rough areas that transition smoothly from the green.

My husband wanted the turf fringe (and yes, when he first mentioned it, I had no idea what he was talking about). These areas can be used along with landscaping, rocks, or seating areas, adding to the aesthetics of your backyard oasis.

The finished backyard putting green at our beach house.
The finished backyard putting green

We finished off the course with cups and flags (which will soon say Pierpont Dunes) to mark the putting holes, completing the authentic golfing experience.

Step 5: Landscaping

The finished backyard putting green at our beach house.

Once we finished the putting green, it was time to finish the landscaping. We installed a drip system around the perimeter of the green and planted lots of lavender and low-maintenance plants.

The finished backyard putting green at our beach house.

One very odd thing happened. Looking to the right of this photo, you can see one of the four volunteer tomato plants that appeared in our backyard! We have no idea what happened, and I am thrilled.

The golfers? Not so much.

Step 6: Maintenance and Care

a small putting green in the back yard

Once your backyard putting green is installed, it’s essential to maintain and care for it properly. If you’ve opted for natural grass, regular maintenance tasks such as mowing, watering, and fertilizing will be necessary to ensure healthy growth.

Synthetic turf requires less maintenance but still needs occasional attention. Brush the turf to keep the fibers standing upright, and remove any debris that may accumulate. We like using our electric blower to blow off the sand and clean the surface by clearing fallen leaves, branches, or other debris. Periodically add infill material if recommended by the manufacturer.

Regardless of the surface, monitor the drainage system and address any issues promptly to prevent water buildup. If needed, consider professional maintenance services for long-term upkeep.

Matt and Michael chipping on the putting green in our back yard.

By following these steps, you can transform your beach house into a golfer’s paradise with a backyard putting green.

Plan and design your green, prepare the ground meticulously, choose and install the appropriate putting green surface, and add features that enhance the authenticity of your design.

With regular maintenance and care, you can enjoy endless hours of golfing fun right outside your beach house.

So grab your putter and get ready to improve your game while enjoying your yard.

Your very own backyard putting green awaits!

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The finished backyard putting green at our beach house.

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  1. My grandfather had one when I was little. It was fun for the entire family.

    Our pups have synthetic grass. It’s the grade golfers use. Best money we ever spent.

    Happy 4th!

  2. My hunch is that those tomatoes will turn out to be cherry tomatoes – they will reseed prolifically and could have “distributed” from birds or perhaps an escapee from a salad! I would be thrilled too – just tell the golfers it adds to the challenge😜

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