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Today I am sharing a conversation I had with Rae Dunn to learn how to take care of Rae Dunn pottery.

If you’re like me, your Rae Dunn collection is constantly growing. But with new pieces comes the responsibility of taking care of them so they last a lifetime. I talked with Rae Dunn and she shared some tips on how to take care of your Rae Dunn pieces.


We all love to collect Rae Dunn pottery. Did you know the biggest question I get is “How do I take care of Rae Dunn pottery?”. I spoke with Rae and she told me exactly what we need to do.

how to set a table with rae dunn

Have you seen the post I wrote titled Six Tips for Finding Rae Dunn Pottery?  I shared how I started my Rae Dunn Collection and my best advice as to where you can find Rae Dunn pottery.

I also wrote a post titled How to set a Table with Rae Dunn pottery. I love collecting but I typically only collect things that I can use. 

Not only do I collect Rae Dunn but I use it every day. I get a lot of comments on my posts and so many of you have asked “How do I  take care of Rae Dunn pottery?’.

I reached out to Rae Dunn herself and asked her for some insight. She was kind enough to share with me her advice on how to take care of your Rae Dunn pottery. (We had a phone conversation, so this Q&A looks a little different.)


Is Rae Dunn dishwasher safe?

Rae Dunn told me that her pottery is dishwasher safe. You just need to be careful about how you place them in the dishwasher. She said, “the dishwasher can cause a lot of clanking and cracks might be caused if the dishes come in contact with one another”.

Rae encouraged you to hand wash your items just to be safe.  She told me that she always washes her favorite clothing items by hand and suggested we might want to do the same with our Rae Dunn collections.

I clean all of my Rae Dunn in the dishwasher. I used Rae’s advice and spaced my mugs and bowls so that they don’t touch each other and potentially break. So far this has worked perfectly.


Can you put Rae Dunn in the microwave?

Rae told me you can absolutely put Rae Dunn in the microwave. In fact, she said “Microwave away”!

Can you put the BAKE and CAKE pans in the oven?

Rae answered “Yes. That’s what they are for!” 

Can the planters withstand constant watering?


Can you leave the birdhouses outside?


What do you do if you notice a crack?

Rae mentioned that a crack could happen in shipping, in a shopping bag, or even in the dishwasher. If you notice a crack then you should display the item and refrain from using it. She suggested putting plates on a plate hanger or putting mugs on a shelf.


T H E     B I G G E S T     Q U E S T I O N     O F    A L L  – Are we better off displaying our Rae Dunn to keep it safe or using it to enjoy it?

Use it! Just hand wash it to prevent cracking!

Thank you so much, Rae! You answered so many of our most pondered questions. It looks like Rae Dunn clay just got better… not only is it fashionable, but it’s also functional! 

 For more real-time updates, follow me on Instagram @My100YearOldHome

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  1. I bought a frying pan by Rae Dunn. It has a wood-like handle maybe plastic?) It says overn safe but nowhere does it mention the temperature that is safe?
    How do you contact the Rae dunn to find out?
    I cannot find any number on Internet.
    Thank you very much

      1. I made chicken soup in my Rae Dunn pot and soak it overnight and it is still stained, I don’t see a post anywhere that tells anyone how to really clean them.

  2. I have a mug that is white enamel ware with a black rim on it and the word INDULGE on it. Is it safe to drink out of your enamelware mugs. I got it at Kirklands a year or two ago.
    Please let me know! My email address is It had a sticky tag on it that said it wasn’t microwavable but part of the tag was torn off and it didn’t say anything about it being safe (lead free, etc.) to drink from?!
    Thank You!

  3. hi my wife collects your suff she got a plate its broken clean what glue would be best to use thank you

  4. How do you get the chili bowl handles to drain, ours fill water and we’ve tried shake and jiggle as well as microwaving fora few seconds nothing seems to work.pick a bowl and water could dribble out at any time.

  5. My Rae Dunn mug says “may get hot in the microwave”. Do you think it would be ok if it’s only for no more than say 30 seconds?

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