How to Decorate Your Home with Outdoor Fall Decor


Every year, I decorate my porch with outdoor fall decor. This might be my favorite, as I love fall pumpkins, these pillows, and these colors.

This was my fall color palette from last year. I love the orange and pink combination; it looks so amazing on our back porch. As you might have guessed, pink and orange are not traditional fall colors, yet they are great for outdoor fall decor. It helps that most of the fall decor I have collected over the years happens to have these colors intermixed. Let’s pretend that it was intentional, ok?

How to Decorate Your Home with Outdoor Fall Decor 1
Make it Pretty

Outdoor Fall Decor

How to Decorate Your Home with Outdoor Fall Decor 1

When it comes to outdoor fall decor, most people decorate their front porch.

Not me!

I always decorate our back porch first. It may seem silly, but here is the thing. Our back porch is an extension of our family room and needs to be decorated with outdoor fall decor. That way, there isn’t a stark contrast when we enjoy both areas!

Today, I joined ten other bloggers in sharing our outdoor fall decor. Be sure to scroll down to the bottom of this post for many great ideas.

Your Home with Outdoor Fall Decor

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Where to Find Outdoor Fall Decor

I am such a good shopper and almost everything on this porch came from one of two places … Balsam Hill or Amazon. I did a wonderful collaboration with Balsam Hill two years ago and this wreath and beautiful plant filler (in the terracotta pot above) are both from there.

Decorate Your Home with Outdoor Fall Decor

The bright floral pillows were made by yours truly. I started with an off-white IKEA pillow cover and painted them. Then, I added free-motion stitch embroidery. It’s a funny story because I thought making some fall pillows from the floral fabric and my hand-painted ones would be fun. But the painted ones look so much like the fabric I bought that you can’t tell the difference.

How to Decorate Your Home with Outdoor Fall Decor 8

The outdoor furniture on our back porch and patio is from Arhaus. It is from the Hamptons Collection.

Outdoor Fall Decor

One of the things that works so well with my pink and orange fall color palette is copper. The copper lanterns are my favorite; I love how they work indoors and out. I was very tempted to add many more copper accents, but I decided to see them for the dining table, which I hope to share next week.

How to Decorate Your Home with Outdoor Fall Decor 2

See the shelves hanging on the lattice? I turned these rope and wood shelves years ago on our back porch, and they are such fun vehicles to add decor and color. Of course, I am hesitant about hanging anything too heavy or valuable, fearing a strong wind might cause a problem. But since that has never happened, I should probably rethink that! The leaves and apples are from Amazon (see below) and make wonderful decor accents in any room.

How to Decorate Your Home with Outdoor Fall Decor 7

I love the arrangement on the green vintage trunk. The vase is a cheese mold, and cheese molds are some of my favorites. I have orange and red pomegranates all over my house this time of year. It’s great that I bought them last year; they are even more impressive than I remember!

How to Decorate Your Home with Outdoor Fall Decor 3

I love that Sport was out on the lawn, enjoying the sun (it’s 90+ degrees this week) and watching me as I took photos. He loves it if he can be featured in one of my photos any time. Tee hee.

How to Decorate Your Home with Outdoor Fall Decor 1

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    My Favorite Outdoor Fall Decor


    Make sure to check out these amazing posts!

    How to Decorate Your Home With Outdoor Fall Decor | My 100 Year Old Home

    Minimalist Fall Porch | Modern Glam

    Simple Outdoor Fall Table Decor Ideas | Twelve on Main

    Fall Mum Display Ideas for the Front Porch | Happy Happy Nester

    Decorating Steps with Pumpkins | Finding Lovely

    Fall Porch Decor in Subtle Autumn Colors | Maison de Cinq

    Fall Decorating on the Front Porch | Inspiration for Moms

    How to Make Pumpkins Last Longer (for decoration or eating!) | The DIY Mommy

    Modern Farmhouse Fall Front Porch Decor | The Happy Housie

    Would You Paint Your Door Pink for Fall? | Most Lovely Things

    Fall Front Door With Pumpkins and Mums | Life is Better at Home

    You can pin the images below to your decor boards on Pinterest (just click the Pin button in the top left corner) or follow me on Pinterest!

    A back porch with a brick fireplace decorated with bright fall decor in orange and pink.
    Outdoor Fall Decor Ideas

    For more real-time updates, follow me on Instagram @My100YearOldHome

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      1. Hi! Unfortunately the wreath is from Balsam Hill and it’s out of stock- there are some other great wreath options in the post though! ☺️

    1. It’s all just so lovely! Can you tell me about the ring (wreath?) on the table with the cheese mold and copper lantern?

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